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Michael G. ShanksI spent a lot of time at old P.I. and still carrie many great memories. One summer there was a very accommodating engineer on the train, (I think he liked my sister, Brenda) and he would let us ride with him in the engine cab. Never did pay admission, as my friends and I had our own way in under the chain link fence at the back of the park. We followed a trail through the woods around the marsh and slid under the fence. If I can recall, we came in at the back area of the old rail tracks. To this day, folks still get a funny wide-eyed look on their face when I tell them I saw the Three Stooges perform live. I always suspected that some of my friends here never really believed me, until I showed them this web site! We used to get a lot of laughs sneaking up behind "Dirty Sydney" and shouting "Soap and Water!" He would turn around fast with his hand on his gun like he was going to draw on us. One winter, when we were in Junior High, a bunch of us went at night when all the Christmas Lights were up. I think most of us went over the fence instead of under that time. : } I lived on Eaton Street and my friends and I would often hop the freight trains down near Guillows Model Airplanes on New Salem St to get a lift down the tracks to P.I. Whenever some of us kids could scrap up $.50 each, we would hop a freight or ride our bikes out to Kartland to ride the go-karts! (Dang, when I was a kid, I loved that place) Well, I am 48 years old now and my Wife, Bonnie and I live in Capitola, California on the shores of Monterey Bay. I have a small Landscape Maintenance business (full time) and also work part time for Orion Telescopes and Binoculars answering emails for Customer Service and Technical Support. Great Website! I have been checking it out on a regular basis and forwarding the url to other old Wakefieldians whom I have kept in contact with over the years. Here is the url for my own web site: http://www.geocities.com/mgshanks/ Thanks for the Memories, Michael G. Shanks |
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