
Judy Beebe Gummere Chicago, IL

Hello - while looking for something entirely unrelated on the Internet, I stumbled into your website.

I was an employee of Pleasure Island in 1959, the summer it opened. I worked for the Operations Office and my bosses were people imported from Disneyland.

My memories include the fact that, in spite of a rainy June, the advertised opening day was not postponed causing massive overtime costs from which P.I. may never have recovered. Our office kept the gate count and I know attendance was a big concern.

Also, they had a terrible time keeping the whale functional.

My strongest memory, however, was of meeting an attractive young man from Marblehead who worked for the four stores operated by the Breck Co. We were married the following summer and, forty years, two children and two grandchildren later, we still are.

We still get back to New England occasionally - my parents are buried in Lakeside Cemetary - and next time I visit I must take a drive in to those ponds.


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